Globalstar Satellite Phone, Globalstar Satellite Phones, Satellite Phones, Satellite Telephones, Globalstar Phones, Globalstar Telephone, Iridium Phone, Globalcom, Rentals, internet, broadband, hughesnet, Thuraya phonesSatellite Phones: Modern Marvels Satellites


November 04, 2009

Modern Marvels Satellites

History -- Modern Marvels: Satellites

Product Description

The launch of Sputnik was one of the most significant achievements in the history of mankind. Today, there are so many satellites orbiting the earth that the right to launch a new one can cost more than the satellite itself!

Modern Marvels; presents thefascinating tale of these orbiting wonders. It took the innovation of three men, including a visionary British science fiction writer and a Nazi engineer, and one of the most desperate technological races of all time to create the satellite.

Former NASA officials recall the desperate early days of the space race, when America feared that Russian dominance in the heavens would have tragic consequences on the ground.

See how satellites evolved into the world's most essential communications tools, and explore the stunning capabilities of modern spy "birds".

 From the crude first efforts to some of the most precise and durable machines ever built, this is the definitive history of SATELLITES.

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